The Perfect CV...
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There is often some debate within the recruitment industry as to what the perfect CV should look like but as long as it follows a few simple rules then that is a good start.
Through our vast experience, we have seen quite literally thousands of CVs and we believe that the most effective CVs are usually based around two pages (three if you have a lot of experience) and are clear, concise and very importantly, to the point.
Typos and spelling mistakes simply must not happen. If a potential employer or a recruiter has a mountain of CVs to work through, it can be very easy to dismiss a candidate if they cannot get basic spelling right.
It is essential to keep CVs factual and although it can be beneficial to gear a CV towards the type of role you are applying for, it is important that a CV does not sway from the truth.
Good presentation is imperative. A recruiter or employer may see a huge number of CVs so well presented CVs are much more likely to catch the eye. Bullet points are effective and make sure the layout, font and text is consistent.
Remember your CV and covering letter is frequently the first impression you make and usually you will not be there to support it so make that first impression a positive one at all times.
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